It only stands to reason that potato skins — long a staple of bars and tailgate parties — are delicious in just about any form. Potato chips are a small thing, but they are also no small thing—and they can help smooth the transition from glimpse-of-summer to Tuesday. Just got finished making it and eating it! By Ita With just six ingredients, the ultimate indulgence is just 20 minutes away. It’s such a waste. These potato griddle breads can be made with leftover mashed potatoes too. By CHOW Video Team. September 12, 2011 Edit. Joe Yonan, author of Serve Yourself: Nightly Adventures in Cooking for One, conjures up dinner from the remains of a potato chip bag. The crunchiness of the potato chips was perfect and I loved the combination of flavors."-PleasantNancy. over low heat. So good and so easy." Serve hot with a little butter and salt, or fry them alongside soda bread as part of an Ulster Fry-up. recipe Ground Beef Supreme Casserole "Awesome! Indeed, the internet is full of recipes using leftover chips in place of breadcrumbs, like potato chip chicken fingers, potato chip-crusted fish fillets and something called Dorito-crusted chicken, which sounds pretty amazing to the grossly indulgent side of me. You probably ate potato chips all weekend, like I did, at cookouts or while you stood barefoot in the kitchen of a friend, waiting for them to finish making your G&T. Even if they don’t have much (or any) potato flesh left on them, the skins alone are full of potato goodness, and, once roasted, taste something like a potato chip or a French fry, but with even more flavor. 2. place chips in an oven safe serving dish. Potato Chip Cookies. I did use 1/4 cup milk to the soup mixture and added red pepper flakes. CHOW Tips are the shared wisdom of our community. Use Leftover Potato Chips to Make Dinner. (Here’s Joe’s recipe for his Spanish tortilla.) It happens to all of us one time or another. You can too. 1. warm the chips in a frying pan with a little oil in it (you don't have to do all the chips in one go.) Mari has emailed asking about leftover chips – as in English chips eaten hot, thick fries not potato chips/crisps – saying her family nearly always have “eyes bigger than their bellies” when they order fish’n’chips and end up with some leftovers: Good thick chips not just tiny hard scraps. You get near the end of the bag of potato chips and are faced with a plethora of broken-down chips OR you host a party and there too many potato chips leftover but you don’t want to throw them away and you don’t want to binge on them. Barbara Kiebel, author of the blog Creative Culinary, created these potato chip cookies on a whim.


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