Religion, then, prohibits social change by teaching nonresistance to oppression, diverting people's attention away from worldly injustices, justifying inequalities of power and wealth for the privileged, and emphasizing rewards yet to come. Above all, he believed religion is about community: It binds people together (social cohesion), promotes behavior consistency (social control), and offers strength during life’s transitions and tragedies (meaning and purpose). Critics also believe this theory overuses economic terminology and structure and point out that terms such as “rational” and “reward” are unacceptably defined by their use; they would argue that the theory is based on faulty logic and lacks external, empirical support. Removing #book# For instance, from the functionalist perspective of sociological theory, religion is an integrative force in society because it has the power to shape collective beliefs. (The modern use of “work ethic” comes directly from Weber’s Protestant ethic, although it has now lost its religious connotations.). Today, the work ethic of the modern workforce has been transformed, as more thinking and decision making is required. Some would argue that the Protestant work ethic is still alive and well in the United States. 1993. Social scientists recognize that religion exists as an organized and integrated set of beliefs, behaviors, and norms centered on basic social needs and values. 1973 [1844]. On the other hand, the “McDonaldization” of the United States (Hightower 1975; Ritzer 1993), in which many service industries, such as the fast-food industry, have established routinized roles and tasks, has resulted in a “discouragement” of the work ethic. German philosopher, journalist, and revolutionary socialist Karl Marx (1818–1883) also studied the social impact of religion. Religion describes the beliefs, values, and practices related to sacred or spiritual concerns. Weber, Max. Working hard also doesn’t seem to have any relationship with Catholic or Protestant religious beliefs anymore, or those of other religions; information age workers expect talent and hard work to be rewarded by material gain and career advancement. The feminist perspective is a conflict theory view that focuses specifically on gender inequality. In jobs where roles and tasks are highly prescribed, workers have no opportunity to make decisions. In the Eastern religions, Weber saw barriers to capitalism. For instance, in every culture, funeral rites are practiced in some way, although these customs vary between cultures and within religious affiliations. “Protestant and Catholic: Is the Analogical Imagination Extinct?” American Sociological Review 54:485–502. The McDonaldization of Society. Another illustration of religious beliefs is the creation stories we find in different religions. Durkheim also argued that religion never concerns only belief, but also encompasses regular rituals and ceremonies on the part of a group of believers, who then develop and strengthen a sense of group solidarity. Hechter, M. 1997. Thus, religion functions to bind society's members by prompting them to affirm their common values and beliefs on a regular basis. By the end of this section, you will be able to: From the Latin religio (respect for what is sacred) and religare (to bind, in the sense of an obligation), the term religion describes various systems of belief and practice that define what people consider to be sacred or spiritual (Fasching and deChant 2001; Durkheim 1915). The History of Religion as a Sociological Concept In the wake of nineteenth century European industrialization and secularization, three social theorists attempted to examine the relationship between religion and society: Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx. Then, research a religion that you don’t know much about. Weber thought the emphasis on community in Catholicism versus the emphasis on individual achievement in Protestantism made a difference. He famously argued that religion “is the opium of the people” (1844). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Max Weber believed religion could be a force for social change. They are considered replaceable commodities as opposed to valued employees. These universals, and the differences in the way societies and individuals experience religion, provide rich material for sociological study. They believed that religion is essentially an illusion; because culture and location influence religion to such a degree, the idea that religion presents a fundamental truth of existence seemed rather improbable to them. Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism and Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and Other Writings, translated by Peter R. Baehr and Gordon C. Wells. Moreover, it can foster group cohesion and integration. from your Reading List will also remove any New York: Free Press. For example, in Protestantism, especially the “Protestant Work Ethic,” Weber saw the roots of capitalism. Finally, religion promotes social control: It reinforces social norms such as appropriate styles of dress, following the law, and regulating sexual behavior. Durkheim, Émile. The information age has increased the rapid pace of production expected in many jobs. By applying the methods of natural science to the study of society, Durkheim held that the source of religion and morality is the collective mind-set of society and that the cohesive bonds of social order result from common values in a society. While some people think of religion as something individual because religious beliefs can be highly personal, religion is also a social institution. Despite differences, there are common elements in a ceremony marking a person’s death, such as announcement of the death, care of the deceased, disposition, and ceremony or ritual. Durkheim and Mauss’ book says religion provides basic categories. 1988. “Religious Economies and Sacred Canopies: Religious Mobilization in American Cities, 1906.” American Sociological Review 53:41–49.


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