Water at the base of the plant. Signet marigolds (Tagetes tenuifolia) are the smallest of the marigold varieties. In addition to being easy to grow, marigolds also make great companion plants in the garden. Spacing will depend on the variety. Seeds will germinate anywhere from 4 to 14 days in warm soil that has an average temperature of 70°F – 75°F. These low-maintenance plants do not require much care, and with just a few tips, will put on a showy display for months. Water at the base of the plant to avoid this. A diet that’s too nitrogen-rich stimulates lush foliage at the expense of flowers. Marigolds do not bloom year-round, but with proper care, some varieties can bloom for several months. Most marigolds are annuals, but a few are perennials. Most types like full sun and can withstand even extremely hot temperatures, making them one of the easiest flowers to grow all year long. Sow seeds as soon as the soil warms in spring and the danger of frost is past. See ‘Types’ for more specific information on sizes. Marigolds grow well in planting zones 2 – 11, and they do best in warmer months. Deadhead as needed. Height/Spread: There are varieties available from 6 inches to 4 feet tall, and 6 inches to 2 feet wide. Thin the young sprouts, 8 to 10 inches apart for French and signet marigolds, and 10 to 12 inches apart for larger African varieties. These marigolds make a spectacular addition to the flower bed or garden, and also provide edible blooms with a spicy tarragon flavor. Hot weather and drought-like conditions don’t mean a beautiful yard and garden is out of reach. Learning everything you can about them helps ensure they will grow big and beautifully for your enjoyment. Marigolds actually do not need a lot of deadheading but doing so will promote more blooms. From the moment you pick it up, you’ll notice these nozzles are different. Types of Signet marigolds include the Golden Gem and Lemon Gem. In addition, most varieties are self-seeding, so they spread throughout the flower bed or garden year after year. The height and width of African marigolds usually depends on the amount of sunlight the plant receives. Pinching can trick plants into producing more because you remove the bloom before it goes to seed, which essentially is what tells the plant to stop producing. As the new marigolds emerge in the spring, you can leave the seedlings where they are, or choose to transplant the seedlings when they are a few inches tall. Tip 1. Marigold flowers tend to be in bright hues of yellow, orange and red, and many shades in between. If you have a sunny area that's too hot for many annuals, marigolds will probably thrive there. They are virtually fool-proof, so even first-time gardeners can trust their marigold show will be abundant and something to be proud of. Read on to find out more about marigold plants. Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) The swivel allows the nozzles to pivot without, Winter Gardening Tips to Tackle in the Off Season, As winter marches on, avid gardeners become more and more eager to get growing. After seeds have germinated, moisten soil and then plant seedlings about 1 inch apart from one another. Tip 4. Do marigolds spread? To thin, carefully remove a seedling and, holding it by its leaves to prevent the stem from being crushed, lightly set the roots into a hole. African marigolds (Tagetes erecta), also called American marigolds, are the largest of marigolds. Limit the ability to self-seed by deadheading before blooms go to seed. Tip 6. How to Grow & Care for Sweet William Flowers, The Old Farmer's Almanac: "Growing Marigolds", Burpee Seeds and Plants: "All About Marigolds", Ohio State University Extension: Marigolds: A Gardening Favorite Year After Year, How Long Until Marigolds Flower From Seed, Requirements for Planting a French Marigold. Tip 5. Marigolds are easy to plant and can do well in virtually any type of soil. If planting seeds directly in the ground without germinating, once sprouted, but while still small, thin your seedlings. Pinching from the top of the plant is an easy way to remove dead blooms and encourage growth while helping plants fill out so they don’t become leggy. However, keep an eye out for slugs and caterpillars as they can be issues for marigolds. If it is an extremely hot period, it’s fine to increase the frequency, just take care not to overwater. Marigolds: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Vibrant Marigolds, For large varieties: sow seeds 18 to 24 inches apart, For medium varieties: space 12 to 15 inches apart. It also helps improve air circulation. If transplanting, be sure to water well after doing so. Are marigolds perennials or annuals? Never water overhead. Marigolds are rapidly growing plants and most varieties are self-seeding, which means they will drop seeds and spread throughout your yard or garden. When the petals are brown, and the plant base is just starting to turn brown, you can harvest the seeds. The quickest growing variety of marigold is the French marigold (Tagetes patula), although the African marigold (Tagetes erecta) is a much larger plant. If you choose to start from seed indoors, you can begin the process about 2 months before the last expected frost. Marigolds are rapidly growing plants and most varieties are self-seeding, which means they will drop seeds and spread throughout your yard or garden. Although deadheading marigolds is recommended, you can choose to let your marigolds go to seed. Pat the soil around the stem gently but firmly. They will have a longer blooming season in zones 10 or higher, where temperatures don’t dip close to freezing, even later in the winter. Tip 3. Each plant produces a large number of seeds that will self-populate your garden area. Designed with mobility in mind, they feature Gilmour’s innovative Swivel Connect. All marigolds are rapidly growing plants that require minimal attention, blooming profusely from spring to fall. To reseed marigolds, wait for the plant to begin to dry out. Let soil dry out in between watering, and then water well each time. Be sure to use a large enough container because marigolds tend to grow quickly, and crowding can be an issue. Learn everything you need to know about drought tolerant landscaping, including the best type of plants. If you see small, chewed edges or holes in the leaves, check your plants for caterpillars. Although small, they bloom prolifically and produce dime-sized blossoms that can cover the small bushy plants. Thinning seedlings is important so that maturing plants have plenty of space to grow without having to compete for nutrients and water. You can use them to fill in landscaping gaps or borders quickly. Actually, both! Do not fertilize during the growing season. These marigolds take longer to mature and bloom later than other marigold varieties. Water regularly, but not too frequently. Marigolds are a hardy, bright, easy-to-grow plant. Marigold flowers tend to be in bright hues of yellow, orange and red, and many shades in between. Water well in dry heat, but allow the soil to dry between waterings. Fertilizer will result in pretty foliage, but it will be at the expense of your blooms. In fact, their hardiness makes it unnecessary to start marigold seeds indoors. To deadhead, simply remove any dying blossoms. Marigolds (Tagetes spp) add a splash of bright orange, yellow or red to flower gardens and planters throughout late spring, summer and early fall. French marigolds (Tagetes patula) are smaller and more compact and grow 12 to 18 inches tall and 16 inches wide, with 2-inch-diameter blooms. Marigolds establish easily, and new blooms will appear not long after planting. Above the refrigerator is a good spot for seeds to rest if you are germinating indoors. Keep the Betterdays coming with gardening tips and exclusive offers. Native to areas in Southern Europe near the Mediterranean Sea, marigolds produce beautiful blooms in an array of bright, sunny colors that last from summer to fall in cool regions of the country. What Are the Characteristics of an African Marigold? These also produce edible flowers, which are often used directly on salads when fresh or added to spice blends when dried. Do not water marigolds from overhead. The dense, double flowerheads of the African marigolds tend to rot in wet weather. Use a soil-based potting mix and either add in a granular, slow-acting fertilizer at the time of planting, or periodically water with a diluted liquid fertilizer.


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