Deck lists have the best cards from the archetype mixed with other cards that work well with the archetype. Flip monsters are pretty slow though, so an experienced opponent will take advantage of such a weakness considerably. If you want to get more competitive, adding Pot of Extravagance gives you a major boost! They were exactly where they belonged, fossilized in time, forgotten by all. Since such a small Union engine is required, an ABC deck can be filled with more consistency engines, such as Sky Strikers. Shurit was finally unbanned. They won’t win any tournaments but you’ll have so much fun and also have the perfect deck to use against new players or lower tier decks. The combination of such varieties of cards allows you to tech the likes of Metaltron XII the True Dracombatant into the deck too. I’d love to make a Ghostrick deck, do any help regarding that will be very appreciated. Copyright 2019 Fuel Themes. Structure decks are also an awesome way of obtaining good archetypes and useful generic cards. Personally I’ve never used Mecha Phantom Beasts, I’ve only ever played against them and being honest, it’s boring. You have to appreciate Konami’s attempts at actual lore. Roids are no exception, being given a few nice support cards based around the Vehicroid series. However, many changes have come about in the past couple of months.. Recently released  in the Cybernetic Horizon set, the Crusadia archetype has surprised the entire Yugioh community. The entire Deskbot core is extremely cheap, very powerful (eve somewhat competitively) and fun to use. Nekroz of Brionac (pictured) went from limited to 1 copy per deck, to unlimited. No longer able to easily steam-roll over anything it comes across, SPYRALs now require another turn or two before they win. You mainly want to get Ultimate conductor tyranno out on the field and to throw a wrench into whatever plain your opponent has, mainly with your hand traps or your kiiju's, and most importantly your miscellaneousaurus. All RIGHTS RESERVED. Well, Kuribohs aren’t competitively viable in any way, shape or form. Arguably the greatest benefit of a Dragon Lord deck is their Link format competence, you definitely don’t even need an Extra Deck but if you decide on one, the single Extra Monster Zone is enough. Very few decks swarm like the Krawlers do, as is fitting for their monster type. It wasn’t until I checked afterwards did I realise how cheap they are. So many Synchro monsters, it’s hard for me to get a grasp of this deck, hopefully you can understand the effects a bit more. Combine Gouki’s with Knightmares to transform your decent budget deck into an expensive deck that can win tournaments with ease. The price of this archetype will likely increase over time so get your hands on them while you can! The main strategy of this deck is to bum rush your opponent before they are able to get there main field up. They’re definitely fun to play though and can perform well in local tournaments. The most viable equip-based deck for years, Noble Knights are an absolute pain to play against while being enjoyable to use. Vampires have always been a pretty awesome Zombie archetype but now, after the release of Dark Saviors, they’re even better. Putting together a deck using the cards in this set will give you a relatively powerful casual deck that can hold its own in tournaments. The Amazoness archetype has been in the game for a long, long time. Prices are ramped up by the SPYRAL Super Agent card, other than that it’s considerably cheap to build. Can you tell me any to improve this deck. As you can see, they tend to have incredible ATK/DEF stats, as well as some nice beat-down effects. In addition to being powerful foes while on the field, especially against Extra Deck based monsters, they have some awesome effects when discarding them from your hand!


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