The idea that atheism is the default setting for educated people is simply untenable.4 In fact, several years before Pope Francis became pope of the Catholic Church in 2013, psychologists began to debunk the idea that being more educated meant a person was less likely to be religious.12 The other much quoted argument that scientists tend to be atheists has also been thrown out, it has been shown that many smart, reflective scientifically literate people obviously still do believe in God.15 My suspicion with atheism is that it is born not out of knowledge, but out of a very nihilistic mind – (and heart-) set. In particular, they are always keen to present the narrative that as people are becoming more educated, the importance of religious belief is dwindling. means defining the concept and APPLYING THE CONCEPT to the information Becoming more educated does not turn us into atheists, Atheists would have us believe that it is a sign of intellectual progress to move away from God as we acquire more education and thus more knowledge. Perhaps more so than other forms of identity, for many, religion evokes a strong sense of exclusivity. • make a positive difference to the world by putting their beliefs and values into action • establish a firm foundation for lifelong learning, further learning and adult life. I will present some findings from a very quick look at a range of sources, discuss them, and indicate the respective policy repercussions they could have. As a result, one should expect to see a negative correlation between higher education and religion. In a nutshell, if government wants to create a more just society based upon (Christian) religious values, it is incumbent on them to maintain high levels of education in their country, and to address the reasons for less educated people not attending services so often. Addressing the Jews’ lack of religiosity is a serious matter. Given that Islam as a faith will have overtaken Christianity as the biggest world faith by 2050 at the latest, a different world order lies ahead in which it is “normal” to be very religious. Relationship between education and religion The World is becoming more religious! With each additional year of education, the likelihood of attending religious services and reading the bible went up by 15 % and 9% respectively. Education is nothing but religion, because both the religion and the education aim at harmonizing the person to the ultimate truth. That is a lower percentage than American “nones” who say religion is very important in their lives (13%).8 Christianity in Europe is more of an expression of one’s culture, than a true commitment to a strong belief in God. Religious institutions can provide moral and ethical education, emotional support and social interactions. Religious and moral education is therefore an essential part of every child or young person’s educational experience. Of the “less educated” Jews, 58% believe in God, but less than a third of their college educated peers do.3 39% of Jews who have not completed college say religion is very important in their lives, but only 25% of Jewish college graduates say religion is very important to them.10, This must be seen against the background of Jews having the most years of formal schooling worldwide!2, Possible policy responses for the US in particular, and the rest of the world. This is not an exhaustive analysis, rather it is meant to provide you with a very different viewpoint in the “faith” debate, so please do not succumb to the Zionist apocalyptic doomsday scenarios. Remember, be specific and USE 3 concepts from the chapters on education, religion, and politics to support the points made in your paper. All Right Reserved. Catholic college graduates are more likely to attend church on a weekly basis than their less educated peers.3, Among Mormons, 85% of college graduates go to church at least once a week, compared to 66% of their peers with a high-school education or less.3 92% of Mormons describe themselves as highly religious.2, With college-educated evangelical Protestants, 68% attend church every week, compared to 55% of those who only went to high school.3 8% of the college graduates describe themselves as highly religious.2, Black Protestants are reported as a separate group in some studies; in this same study, 89% of college graduates are reported as highly religious. Cross-country differences in the impact of education on religious belief can explain the large cross-country variation in the education-religion connection. Your Defining Project Management And It’s Evolution Over Time What Is Army Leadership Development? Stark, 1999). 15 Ken Taylor, How can smart people still believe in God? Increased education results in greater religiosity among evangelical Protestants, black Protestants and Catholics, but not among mainline Protestants and the unaffiliated. Trinity of God & the Holy Quran’s critical... Factors of Mahdi (PBUH) Reappearance- part 2. you provide. 57, 2016 – Issue 4. Both make man optimistic. This is bound to have a spillover effect, as the religiosity of the Muslims might reinvigorate the faith of other believers they come into contact with. Not only do we have greater cognitive capacity to understand our faith, we can then also explain it to others, and we have the tendency to become more involved in our religious community, the better educated we are. Only a quarter of Jews with a high school degree or less attend services every week, compared to one tenth of college educated Jews (!) And those with a high school education or less are more likely than their postgraduate counterparts to say that religion is "important" or "very important" in their lives (65% to 53%). For example, in a 1903 essay, The Remote Relation Between Education and Business, the author argued for an important, albeit indirect relationship: [E]xpert training for business or trades is hopeless in school. These communities should be tasked with bringing in the less educated too. relationship between education and religion.5 Given the available evidence, many scholars have concluded that secularization has not occurred (cf.


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