Newton’s third law states that: If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction on body A. Mini Physics is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Velocity is the rate of change of its displacement with respect to time. Author: Created by PMTEducation. Period T of a periodic motion is the time to make one complete cycle. Centre of gravity is the point on an object through which the entire weight of the object may be considered to act. Physics 9702 A2 Level Definitions 94 Terms. Hooke’s Law states that within the limit of proportionality, the extension produced in a material is directly proportional to the load applied. The principle of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed in any process. Newton’s first law of motion states that a body will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless an external resultant force acts on it. Frequency f of a periodic motion is the number of cycles per unit time. Newton’s second law states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the resultant force acting on it and the change takes place in the direction of the force. sk8teroy. Gravitational Potential Energy is defined as the amount of work done in order to raise the body to the height h from a reference level. The specific latent heat of fusion, Lf , is defined as the amount of heat required per unit mass to change a substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase without any change in temperature. The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position. The frequency of a wave is the number of complete oscillations that pass through a given point in 1 second. Erica_SC. The period T of an object in circular motion is the time taken for the object to make one complete revolution. STUDY. Systematic errors are errors of measurements in which the measured quantities are displaced from the true value by fixed magnitude and in the same direction. The frequency f of an object in circular motion is the number of complete revolutions made by the object per unit time.Waves:Displacement is the distance moved by the particle from its equilibrium position. A Level defintions : Educating Physics Definitions for OCR A Physics A Level Click on the links below for a list of units, quantities and concepts relevant to each course. AQA A-level Physics Definitions. errors of measurements in which the measured quantities are displaced from the true value by fixed magnitude and in the same direction, measure of how close the results of an experiment agree with the true value, measure of how close the results of an experiment agree with each other, function of state and the total microscopic kinetic and potential energies of the particles composing the system, the amount of heat required per unit mass to change a substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase without any change in temperature, internal energy is a function of state and the increase in internal energy is equal to the sum of the heat supplied to system and work done on system, the rate of change of distance travelled with respect to time, rate of change of displacement with respect to time, rate of change of velocity with respect to time, force perpendicular to the surface experienced by a body when it is in physical contact with someone else, within the limit of proportionality, the extension produced in a material is directly proportional to the load applied, the upward force on a body produced by the surrounding fluid (liquid or gas) in which it is fully or partially immersed, due to the pressure difference of the fluid between the top and bottom of the object, the upthrust experienced by an object partially or entirely immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object, an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by another force, For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, Total momentum of a system remains the same before and after a collision, energy to a system or from a system by and external force on it =fxd, The energy transferred between objects that are at different temperatures, Work done in moving in order to raise the body to a height from a reference level, rate of work done or energy converted with respect to time, The angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius, rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time, time taken for an object to make one revolution, number of complete revolutions made per unit time, The distance from the equilibrium position in a particular direction, the maximum displacement that the particles of a wave's medium vibrate from their rest position, distance between two successive points on a wave which are in phase, time taken for a particle to complete one oscillation, the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time, a region where particles are close to one another, a region where particles are further apart, how much a particle of a wave is in front of another particle of the wave, the rate of transfer of energy per unit area perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave, the regular, repetitive motion of a body which continually retraces its path at regular intervals, the oscillatory motion of a particle whose acceleration is always directed towards a fixed point and is directly proportional to its displacement from that fixed point but in the opposite direction to the displacement, process where energy is taken from the oscillating system, frequency at which it will vibrate freely, the bending or spreading of waves when they travel through a small opening or when they pass round a small obstacle, when two waves of the same kind meet at a point, the resultant displacement is the vector some of the two waves, the superposing of two or more coherent waves to produce regions of maxima and minima in space, every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, the gravitational force per unit mass acting on a mass placed at that point. (Equivalent to AP Physics) If you do not recognise any of the terms listed here, you should go review the respective topic. Angular velocity. Measurement:Random errors are errors of measurements in which the measured quantities differ from the mean value with different magnitudes and directions. Please drop me a comment if I missed out any particular important definitions.


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