Love your way out of the storm. Love others. I asked if she wanted to go to lunch. But the truth is that human beings are not exempt from the human experience. But somehow, do you feel a connection? One took place on November 17 1994, the last day my Mother was well. If they choose to take you at their interpretation of your words then they contort your views and misunderstand what you are trying to convey. However, God’s plan was not that he (or we) would control everything but that, through agency, most everything would become out of control. Do you believe that things happen for a reason. You can choose the random perspective and with a wave of a mental hand, dismiss most coincidences as not worth further attention. We will discuss this point a little more in a follow-up article. Embedded in the definition is a hint that there might be an explanation. We hear people say “Life dealt me a crappy hand” as if pain and hardships are not the norm. And struggle is an innate part of the human experience. It is something very strange indeed. I have to say, science is strung out on mathematics because its been so predictive and successful in describing physics. You have a specific lifestyle. God can use our pain for a greater good if we choose to let Him in. And sometimes, there’s just no reason other than we are human and pain is a part of the process. Consequently, accepting the randomness and injustice of life is part of accepting God. I am always so amused, humankind with materialism an arrogant success, the Universe total known to humankind? Some random occurrence was the cause of us seeing a goat. The universe (I believe) leads us to exactly where we are supposed to be, we just have to listen. The body does strange and random things that we don’t understand and can’t control. thanks for your comment. Many believe that Fate or Mystery, or the Universe or God, causes coincidences. thought you'd like to know not all christians believe everything happens for a reason as i dont... "How do we answer this question? I am Jewish. Jews tend to ask questions. Perhaps the closest text is Romans 8:28, where the Apostle Paul writes: “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” This does not say or mean everything that happens to everyone has a reason planned or controlled by God. Do you notice a pattern of events happening in your life, these events hold different parts of your life, each of them holds a place at different perspectives at a different place in your life. The more you stew about a possible reason for your pain, the angrier you become. When there is a possible cause, there is no coincidence anymore. God’s will is not an event that happens to us, it’s how we respond to what happens. The entire question of why we live in a Universe that has certain laws of physics allowing life does require a science response. Sherri, I can say some of these things make my hair stand on end. I have always thought in one Universe all things in some way must be connected. Coincidences are real. What if you turned down a job that you already took? The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. God works within His people and their circumstances to bring good out of even evil. Why are so many people drawn to conspiracy theories in times of crisis? Don’t ignore the firecy feeling in your guts and listen to the pounding beats of your heart. A peace that I don’t understand Yet flows through all of me I know it’s no coincidence You promised it would be. People bring up God. When I talk about how incredibly luck we are to be alive, all the billions (or more) things that just happened to happen for us to exist. That’s nonsense. Panpsychism isn't new, probably beyond being proven, metaphysics, but it is in principle a good theory. In fact, you will learn from suffering. This mental atmosphere is likely a hologram of the bigger consciousness. It’s what brings order to a chaotic world that is spinning out of control. Yes, maybe it is not related to coincidences, maybe it is, but telepathy at least is for sure a thing, though hard to prove. Coincidence means happening at the same time. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. The post itself is preaching. You can pick the positive or negative by looking more deeply into them. You are a tiny component of its expressions. so I guess you are a fan of the multiverse explanation. This is a long way of saying that coincidences are mostly random. I’m sure this is all part of the early grieving process as this just happened 3 weeks ago. I use the psychosphere as a local approximation. There have been some very strange things that have happened to me. It’s because there are no coincidences and accidents. You take a decision to reach a certain goal, only to find out that this decision carries something completely different for you. We think that we are owed a pain-free existence. What, is this a dream I am in, Mom you didn't say that did you? I am guessing that at least some of them contain clues that could be helpful to you. Ken believes that God acts in each person's life and that coincidences are one way to do that. “Everything happens for a reason,” I am often told. Also chance? Do you know how that sounds to someone who has seen countless, innocent children dealing with the terrible fall out and aftermath of sexual abuse? Source: The moon has coincidentally occluded light from the sun.Original image by Luc Viatour. These quotes about coincidence in life capture the pure amazement of these chance circumstances. Every time you go to the shopping mall, there are shoppers there, each with his own cause, shopping with every other shopper. You try desperately to make sense of a situation that won’t ever make sense. I got a strange shiver when she had said a few days before she should see me. Sometimes it is odd. I’m sure my sister and neohews have there own takeways about this trajedy. Through the illness. You reach for answers but none come. And they bring up the fact that all those random things had to happen and to do so, is not possible. Teach them that you stand with Job, who said, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” (Job 13:15.) Don’t be scared to open a new one. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:11-13.). Can we affect matter with our minds? We all suffer. The nature or full extent of nature's expressions including consequences cannot, except in the most gross incidences, ever be perceived. Therefore, there are no coincidences. it ruins my days. Yes, indeed,,,while researching my favorite phrase the first link I investigate and posted "just so happened" to have been published on my birthday.... What if you didn’t choose that major or what if you said no instead of saying yes? However, a traditionally theistic God who acts on the world through miracles seems to make invoking the cosmological constants redundant, and vice versa.


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