The key to a safe, speedy recovery from nausea or digestive discomfort is following an appropriate diet for upset stomach that will provide some nutrients and calories while not overtaxing a person's digestive system. Food for those with an an upset stomach should be easy to digest and contain the least amount of gastrointestinal irritants possible. There are different variations of this diet, but the most common one is the astringent bland diet that helps to stop diarrhea and other symptoms associated with an upset stomach.. If you have an upset stomach or a digestive pathology like gastritis, most doctors recommend a bland diet. When your stomach is upset, you should avoid eating big meals. Meister@Nervous Cook says: My grandmother always gave me dry toast and black tea for an upset stomach. Eat small meals. If you’re looking for bland meals for an upset stomach, then look no further than your simple saltine cracker. As light and healthy as a large raw salad might sound, James says this will likely worsen your symptoms during a stomachache because your stomach needs to … Liquids Try sucking on ice chips at first, to stay safe. Emily Roberts/BYRDIE COOKED VEGETABLES . Below, the 12 best foods for an upset stomach, as recommended by the experts. Scroll through, and keep this advice top of mind the next time you're having some tummy trouble. FODMAP stands for ‘Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols’, all carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. Similar to toast as to why they’re one of the easiest to digest foods, crackers are a good choice should you be suffering from nausea, morning sickness, or indigestion. If you’ve been vomiting, you’ll need to replenish your electrolytes — send out one of your minions to fetch some coconut water stat. Some people have adverse reactions to pepper or other seasonings, so keeping meals simple often allows healing to occur more rapidly. When preparing meals, it is also usually best to use little or no spices. Upset stomach, or indigestion, is usually no cause for concern. An upset stomach can be caused by a number of factors, but in many cases will eventually go away on its own. If that goes well, graduate to small sips of water. Definitely a wonderful meal.. June 19, 2011 at 11:00 am. With an upset stomach and other intestinal disorders such as IBS, you’ll want to choose foods that have a low FODMAP content. Reply. It is often possible to treat the symptoms using home remedies. Next time you experience an upset stomach, follow these food guidelines for a speedy recovery: BEST. My husband is more of a mashed-potatoes and grilled-cheese-sandwich guy, which sounds so heavy and goopy to me I can’t imagine it doing anything but upsetting my stomach more!


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