In German, kommen means "to come." See more translations and examples in context for "komme" or search for more phrases including "komme": Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All German-English translations from our dictionary, All I want to do at that point is work out how to. You can complete the translation of komme given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... German-English dictionary : translate German words into English with online dictionaries. Rather than just the singular and plural forms, you will have to memorize the various past tenses. Collaborative Dictionary     German-English, I've just come from the top ; I've just been upstairs, 'komme' also found in translations in English-German dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...). In German, kommen means "to come." Find more German words at! Plural. Ich komme nicht mit. expand_more And therefore, she took a short cut down Inverleith Row to arrive here. German students will find that a brief lesson in conjugating this verb will help you say phrases like ich kam for "I came" or err kommt for "he is coming." In its most basic form, you will use the simple past tense (imperfekt). This is a strong (irregular) verb so it doesn't follow the typical conjugation rules you might find in other German verbs. This means that you acknowledge that it happened (something or someone "came"), but you're not specific about when it actually happened. The verb "kommen" means: 1.-to come, to attend, to come from. However, since it is a very common word, you will have plenty of opportunities to practice it. you would say "Du kommst morgen?" All rights reserved. Structures: kommen aus + [Dative] to come from. With a little study and practice, it will all become clear to you. It is used when the action is not well-defined. For instance, to say "Are you coming tomorrow?" ", The past perfect tense (plusquamperfekt) is used when the action of "coming" happened prior to another action. This is the perfect place for German students to begin because you will use it often to say "came. German students will find that a brief lesson in conjugating this verb will help you say phrases like ich kam for "I came" or err kommt for "he is coming.". ", The compound past tense is also called the present perfect (perfekt). In order to conjugate “kommen” all you have to do is lop the ending –en off the stem and attach the correct conjugation ending. In order to ask someone in German where a person is from you need to know the German verb “kommen” (to come). Ich komme gerade nach Hause I’m coming home. For instance, "I had come by the restaurant after leaving school.". It can also indicate that the action extends into the present moment, as in you "came" and are still "coming. komme translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'kommen',kommend',Komment',Kommerz', examples, definition, conjugation ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. Verb conjugations are a good foundation for completing a sentence. 1 st Person. Verb conjugations are a good foundation for completing a sentence. Hyde Flippo taught the German language for 28 years at high school and college levels and published several books on the German language and culture. For example, you can take the verb forms you learn in the chart below to form sentences like these: With a good understanding of the present tense, you can then move onto the past tense (vergangenheit). ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Deshalb muss sie die Abkürzung über Inverleith Row genommen haben, um hierher zu kommen. Meaning of "kommen" of German. That means that you will have to memorize all of its forms. We will begin studying kommen in the present tense (präsens). In this case, kommst is the present tense conjugate of kommen when the subject pronoun is you. Last post 11 Oct 12, 11:43: Can this be used in German to mean "I can't/don't follow (you) / I don't understand."? By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, How to Conjugate the German Verb "Laufen" (to Run, Walk), How to Conjugate the Verb "Helfen" (to Help), How to Conjugate the German Verb "Heissen" (to Call), How to Conjugate "Stehen" (to Stand) in German, How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German, How to Conjugate "Beginnen" (to Begin) in German, Schreiben (To Write) German Verb Conjugations, Bleiben (To Stay) German Verb Conjugations, Conjugating the German Verb Sehen, Meaning 'to See', German Verb Conjugation of Sprechen (To Speak), German Verb Conjugations - Trinken - to Drink, German Verb Conjugations - Lassen (To Let, Leave, and Allow). With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for komme and thousands of other words. Ich komme aus Deutschland I am from Germany (I live in Germany) kommen von + [Dative] to come from kommen (also: bevorstehen, bald erscheinen, geliefert werden, in Kürze zu erwarten) English words for kommen include come, get, arrive, occur, go, reach, come out, arise, happen and come on. Singular.


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