Once you are able to easily play these notes in order on your keyboard, it is time to step it up to the second sequence, which is a bit more difficult. Once you are in the proper position, your knees will be just under the keyboard. If you play two or three C’s at once, you will see that they are in harmony. Now that you know the basics of fingering and the keyboard layout, let’s start learning how to play the piano. Proper piano posture is important, because you need to learn how to reach the whole keyboard span comfortably. Many beginners make the mistake of tensing their hands when playing staccato. Covers. In the beginning, the video shows you the whole song on piano … Now that you see how easy it is, let’s take a look at the notes you need to play for the rest of the chords in the key of C. We are not going to get into finger numbering. They should sound the same, but be higher or lower in pitch. For this lesson, we are pretty much going to repeat Lesson 1, but with the left hand instead of the right. When you have mastered playing this sequence quickly, both legato and staccato, you can move on to something a bit more complicated. Start by trying it with a single note. But, this time, we are going to take it up a notch and make the notes for each hand completely different. Each key should be hit with the same intensity. Now you can learn about actual fingering, or where your fingers need to be on the keyboard. The login page will open in a new tab. On the left hand, play fingers one, two, and three, or the notes C, D, and E. Your right hand should be positioned so the thumb is on F and the pinky on C, right above Middle C. On the right hand, play the next note with finger one or your thumb. Please log in again. So, look for all of the Middle C’s on the keyboard, and play them. The pattern is as follows: Make sure that you are only moving your fingers, and that your hand is neither moving nor rocking back and forth as you play each note. If you want to learn how to play your favorite songs on the piano, you are going to need to learn how to play chords. Now that you have completed your first seven beginner piano lessons, you probably want to learn more so you can start playing songs right away. Now let’s talk about keyboard layout, because you will need where your fingers are supposed to go. In this lesson, we will be doing some right hand exercises in the C Major position. Two things we need to discuss before diving into the actual piano lessons are fingering and keyboard layout. The first note you need to find is Middle C. This is the white key that is to the left of the first of the two black keys that are nearest the center of the piano or keyboard. You have just played your first chord on the piano. Watch the video below to see it in action. Be patient, because these simple songs will start you on the path to where you really want to be. Place your right hand in the Middle C position, and then put your left hand in the C position, which is located just below Middle C. Make sure that your wrists are bent and that your fingers are curled somewhat. We will get into the fingering of the various notes a bit later. Now that you are used to doing simple exercises with your right hand, it is time to start practicing with the left hand. This is generally the lead hand, the one that plays the melodies while the left hand plays the bass lines. You will find the notes for this song, “in letters” below. Now, try the same exercise, playing each note, one at a time, without pausing between notes, and playing each note with the same amount of force. Note that the numbers are again a bit more scattered, so you have to concentrate more on what you are doing. It may take a while to get used to playing the notes with fingers 3 and 4, but it will come with practice. Your bottom should be firmly planted on the bench, forward so your thighs are barely on the bench. This is a three-note chord, with the other notes being E and G. The E note is two notes to the right of the C, and the G is four notes to the right of the C. To play this chord, place your thumb on the C, your index finger on the E, and your ring finger on the G. Play all three notes at once. Keep practicing the exercises from this and the previous lesson until you feel confident enough to start playing with both hands. Start by sitting properly at the piano or keyboard. It is best to start out with simple songs, and every piano teacher will have you playing things like Mary Had a Little Lamb, no matter how old you are. Begin by placing the 5 finger on Middle C. Next, place the 4 finger on the white key beside Middle C, followed by 3, 2, and 1 fingers on the next three white keys.


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