NYGKAAKI, Direction: Unscramble the names of some interesting sports. Media NREIUMONTANEIG, question_answer18) Direction: Unscramble the names of some interesting sports. "Well, I guess you should have some colour on you." One day the letters flew in from all sides of the house. Choose the correct word from the options given. Place the events in the correct sequence by using the numbers 1-6: ______The rainbow realized that she didn't have any colours. ______ The rainbow and sun shook hands. Janie was a normal Genie that could give you three wishes. On his sixteenth birthday he received a letter from Hogwartz, the wizard school. 1. 2. Free Videos, Contact Us Test Series GILDIPRAGNA, Direction: Unscramble the names of some interesting sports. One day the letters flew in from all sides of the house. 5. Choose the correct word from the options given. The Sad Rainbow A while ago, the world was always happy and perfect-no death, no violence, no greed, no rushing and no meanness. Today / happy / I / feeling / very / am, Direction: Arrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences. From that day onwards, you could always see her shining after an angry storm trying to make everyone feel better after the rain. A) The sun in rise the east done clear. 0. ______ John's mom told him she had to do the dishes. | SIIKING, question_answer14) Direction: Unscramble the names of some interesting sports. Worksheets: figure out the shuffled words. Choose the correct word from the options given. Rainbow was always unhappy because she was always stuck up in the clouds and sky and no one ever noticed her. Choose the correct word from the options given. "Well, I was wondering if you can give me colours for the rays on my body." In addition to these examples, an unscrambler for jumbled words can be a really helpful instrument for many different word games. The lion was very big and crushed all of John's toys. | Choose the correct word from the options given. question_answer28) What is the best day to go to the beach? About One day Janie went to give a little boy named John three wishes. John wished he had his sister back and for the lion to go away. A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Jumbled sentences, shared by English language teachers. John's little sister was loud, so John's second wish was that his sister should go somewhere. 3. 1. Direction: Arrange the sentences in the proper logical order to form a story. Hagrid, a teacher at Hogwartz crashed into the house and rescued Harry Potter. Each answer is corrected as soon as you rearrange each sentence correctly. Jumbled Sentences are a must for good English.This is usually known by many names like rearranging of words, rearranging sentences jumbled words, word order exercises, make a sentence with the word, put the words in the correct order to make sentences, sentence order, sentence formation. What has four legs and a back but no body? ______ The lion crushed all of John's toys. question_answer1) Direction: Arrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences. 3 sec, OTP has been sent to your mobile number and is valid for one hour, Direction: Arrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences. | January 27, 2020 Change the order of words to make meaningful sentences. Tick the correct sequence option from the following: question_answer24) Unscramble the 15 jumbled words given below and out of them, find how many names of colours are mentioned. Choose the correct word from the options given. He told Janie what he wanted. Janie was a normal Genie that could give you three wishes. Choose the correct word from the options given. John was an unhappy little boy. Free download Jumbled Sentences for Class 3 English Worksheet.Ribblu launches platform for supplying free download of CBSE Sample board exam papers & worksheets from nursery to class 12th


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