If you don't have some specific curriculum right now that you really need to address and you're open ended for writing, I would think that these times are a great thing to be talking about in our writing.Maybe you can trigger the students to keep a diary. So it's doable. Graphic and semantic organizers. We will expand this into other ways you can teach online or teach at a distance that's not necessarily based all online, but today let's assume that you can do some teaching online. Student: Cow (the student then drags the word ‘cow’ over to the /ow/ column). The level three implementation would be to fold in more writing instruction. For the guided oral reading section of our tutoring session, we used the ‘Mouse and Owl’ passage from Reading Simplified. And again, these can be recorded and sent to other students. Help students select books about topics that interest them and encourage them to read at least 20 minutes each day. The reason that we recommend these activities is that the activities are very efficient and they can target into students' specific needs. For instance, I used the book, ‘A Kiss for Little Bear’ for the re-reading portion of the lesson, so I made sure to have that ready and waiting. You can snag your certificate at the end of the replay. Can you email me one or let me know where to find it again.Thanks. When texts feature critical tier 2 and tier 3 words that students must master, we can use digital bulletin boards or online whiteboards to make word walls and concept sorts; Google docs and Kami to create Frayer Models, vocabulary trees, and personal dictionaries; and online games to reinforce learning. Teach thinking strategies: Once students have the vocabulary to be able to make it through a text, … EnglishMaven. That's probably the easiest. Lesson 2 … PowerPoint presentation on 'How to answer questions about a story&' - Reading Comprehension Methods - 5 Steps to an answer with good grammar and sentence structure - Three Blind Mice example Read more Comprehension - KS2 English - BBC Bitesize KS2 English Comprehension learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. https://readingsimplified.com/lesson-plans-kindergarten-reading/ I've got four of my favorites here. See you soon. To see an example of how we teach reading comprehension in the higher levels of All About Reading, download this story lesson from All About Reading Level 4, Lesson 49. It'll build community and help you stay in touch with your kids in a fun way that also is developing their language and literacy comprehension.Now in addition to that or in place of that, there're also online reading aloud options that are available that I want to recommend to you. These are the core activities, the word work activities that we would choose from. Certainly ask them how they feel about doing this online, but also just get to as many emotional responses, especially in these early days because we want to really nurture them. For instance, when students create a double-entry journal or Cornell Notes in a Google document, we can quickly see who’s keeping up and who’s confused. We’re so grateful to you Jennifer for how you always share your practice with our community. We can also continue reading conferences with Flipgrid. If you’d like access to 1000+ pages of differentiated student materials like the ones I used during this online reading tutoring session, you can sign-up to join the Reading Simplified Academy! We can use videos to dialogue with students: They might send a video update on their reading project or read a passage aloud and describe how they constructed their understanding of the text, and we can provide video feedback, which evidence suggests may be more effective than written feedback. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. I have put together a Power Point presentation with some activities for children to practice inferencing skills. Now this was a rapid fire, but just hopefully giving you some visions for how you might do this. Tutor: Okay, does sound go here (the /ow/ column) or here (the /ou/ column)? It's free even during regular life. For this part of my tutoring session, we used the book, ‘A Kiss For Little Bear,’ by Else Holmelund Minarik: Now, let’s switch to teacher–student dialog as the student reads pages from the book: Student: “This picture makes me happy,” said Little Bear. Can we just pause for a second. This is Video #1 in the series (and if you scroll further down you will see a video of an example of a first time tutoring session on Zoom). You can snag some sample lesson plans here: https://readingsimplified.com/lesson-plans-brand-new-readers/ They probably have the largest collection and you can get an educator account and then send that information to your parents so that you can monitor what your students are reading.Raz-Kids is not free right now, but it is something that many people have. Wonderful to hear Tara! Wow! You could read aloud fiction, but also nonfiction. With online whiteboards, bulletin boards, or documents, we can create mind maps or KWL … “This kiss is for Little Bear,” she said. Grandmother was happy. Sorry, I went over today. And if you don't have a system for what the small group reading instruction would look like, this is the one that we recommend here at Reading Simplified. And as we look forward to the next few days, again, these videos will keep coming to you. Okay… I know online teaching is very overwhelming…but teaching is so much more than just pushing out activity after activity for our students to do at home. And that all of these will read aloud texts or stories to the student. So those are the four core activities we use at Reading Simplified. You can use the mouse cursor as a guide instead of your finger, pen, or ruler, etc. I’ll show you exactly how I tutor kids online, including my lesson plans, reading materials, activities, and so much more.


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