The illustration above displays a C harmonic minor scale, contrasted against both the major and natural minor scales. If you are stuck in the pentatonic box then this is the way out of it. In pop and rock music, the harmonic scale often gets played over minor chord vamps (one minor chord repeated for a long period of time). If you're just getting started with learning the harmonic minor, don't spend a lot of time worrying about the diatonic chords above - instead concentrate on getting the scale under your fingers, and in your ears. … Often favoured in genres like heavy metal and jazz for its dark tones, harmonic minor scale guitar playing can help us add a darker element to our playing style, creating new moods that aren’t possible using just the minor scale. The rest is up to you... experiment with the exotic sounds of the harmonic minor scale, and see if you can't come up with some great ideas for solos, or even entire songs, based on it. Using the above illustration, for example, we can see if a progression moves from Vmaj to Imin, the harmonic minor scale would be an appropriate choice. In this lesson, we’ll study the harmonic minor scale, using the E harmonic minor scale -- one of the most commonly used harmonic scales -- as an example. The most common use for the harmonic minor scale is over the V dominant 7th chord (referred to as V7) in a minor key. Guitarists will find this tricky for several reasons: This is where the scope of this article ends. Contemporary Jazz Guitarists: A List Of Exciting Young Jazz Guitarists. The reason probably being the harmonic minor is such a strong sound, that using it for extended periods of time can sound almost cliche. The Best Jazz Bassists: Who Are The Greatest Jazz Bassists Of All Time? Guitar Neck Scale Diagrams: A Harmonic Minor. The sound of the harmonic minor scale generally makes people think of "Indian music" - although in truth, the scale isn't used much in that genre. When playing the notes on the fifth string, start with your first finger, then slide your first finger up a fret to play the second note on the string as well. The following lesson should give you the ability to learn to use the harmonic minor scale in various settings. Ideally, you'd like the scale to become "invisible" - meaning that you can start moving your hands freely about the fretboard, playing notes from the harmonic minor scale without actually concentrating on the various scale shapes. If you have a friend that plays guitar... even better! The harmonic minor scale is one of several minor guitar scales that can be used in improvisation. But, when the progression moves to E7, the guitarist would play notes from the A harmonic minor scale (you do NOT play the E harmonic minor scale over the E7 chord). Best of luck! Compared to natural minor scales (also known as Aeolian modal scales), which have no additional accidentals (sharps or flats) to those already in their key signatures, the seventh degrees of harmonic minor scales are raised by a semitone. The interval pattern formula is 1 - 2 - b 3 - 4 - 5 - b 6 - 7. The harmonic minor scale contains seven notes. Although learning this theory isn't essential in knowing how to use the harmonic minor scale, it can help broaden your understanding of how and when to use the scale. The harmonic minor scale is one of several minor guitar scales that can be used in improvisation. Although the harmonic minor scale over a single minor chord is a sound you hear occasionally in pop and rock music, truthfully, it's not too common. This is because when writing music in a minor key, composers of the day would generally harmonise their lead lines using notes from the harmonic minor (rather than the natural or melodic minor scales) – which is how it acquired its name. The Best Rush Albums Ranked: What Are The Top 5 Rush Albums? The raised seventh gives the harmonic minor scale its unique flavor. The key is to use your pinky finger extensively and to handle the notes on the fourth string correctly. Over the Amin chord, a guitarist could play minor pentatonic licks, blues licks, ideas from aeolian or dorian modes, etc. For example, in the key of A minor, the V7 chord is E7 (the note E is seven frets up from A). One way to think of the harmonic minor scale is as an altered version of the natural minor with its 7th scale degree raised by a half step. It is built the same as the natural minor scale (Aeolian mode) but the seventh degree is raised by one semitone. You'll want to spend a lot of time with the above audio clips (especially the one that lets you solo) to get a feel for the harmonic minor scale and to help figure out some riffs that sound good to you. For example, when you play an A minor scale and raise the 7th G to Gs, you’re playing an A harmonic minor scale: We’ll learn how to play the E harmonic minor scale in two positions, and practice chords that accompany this scale. Improvisation With Jazz Minor Scale | Guitar Scales, What Type Of Electric Guitar To Buy? Harmonic Minor Positions on Guitar This lesson is a continuation from the harmonic minor scale lesson. The following audio examples will allow you to hear what the harmonic minor scale sounds like in a soloing situation, and will also provide you with a backing track, which will allow you to try out your own solos using the harmonic minor. This note contains the strongest color in the scale, in that it carries a certain degree of tension, and should be used with this knowledge in mind. For example, the notes in a one octave A natural minor scale are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A , whereas the notes in an A harmonic minor scale are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G#, A , despite there being no G# in the key signature (the key of A minor has no sharps or flats).


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