Music Theory For The Blues Scale Piano. Use notes from the scale in the diagram above. This video would be helpful to anyone learning to play blues piano. solo in G minor pentatonic play box #1 using your first finger starting at the 3rd fret on the low E-string and play the shape from there. Here are some typical Joe Pass phrases over a blues in G in which he combines minor and major blues scales. 3m - 2M - 2m - 1A - 3m - 2M. 0:35 PREVIEW I Got D Blues… G Blues Scale for Piano with Fingering Chia sẻ G Blues Scale for Piano with Fingering tại Lời bài hát | Hợp âm chuẩn Chords What chords (diatonic) are in the G minor blues scale Bar 3: chromatic approach of the 3 and b7 of G7. The scale is built will scale … Notation For The G Blues Scale Piano. Bar 7: chromatic approach of the b3 and b7 of Bm7. After you understand the scale, you can experiment on your own. Piano Scales – Major, Minor, Chromatic, Pentatonic, Blues, Whole Tone & More. Root Note. Normal tempo: Bar 11-12: G minor blues scale. Or you could try any number of other scales … Make sure you scroll down for many more tips on how to build the scale. This chart highlights the keys G Pentatonic scale on piano keyboard. The G Blues scale contains all the notes in the G Pentatonic Minor plus a flatted fifth, the so-called blue note. The blues scale is actually a 6 note scale. Third fret low-E string is a G note. Perfect 4th. Remember that for the melodic minor scale, when descending, you play the natural minor scale. Perfect 5th. The 12 minor scales, however, come in 3 variations The Harmonic minor scale uses the same keys as the parallel major scale (same starting note, but major), but lowers the 3rd and the 6th. Here’s the scale on the bass clef. See also Aeolian Dominant. G Pentatonic scale on a Piano Minor 7th. Minor 3rd. 2015 Preview SONG TIME I Got D Easy Blues. Bar 8-10: mostly in the G major blues scale. Piano Music Scales – Major and Minor. Jam Track play-along. That makes the scale a G minor pentatonic & blues scale consisting of the notes G, Bb, C, Db, D, and F. Backing Track 1. Here’s a diagram of the melodic G minor scale on piano. The notes in the scale are: C, E-flat, F, G-flat, G… Bar 1-8: the G minor blues scale all the way. Start the audio and play along! What notes are in the G minor blues scale. G - Bb - C - Db - D - F. Formula What is the formula for the G minor blues scale. This pattern of whole and half steps is what creates the sound of major. Due to the close relationship to Gm Pentatonic, the scale is also referred to as Gm Pentatonic Blues or G Minor Blues. Here’s the notation for the scale that’s used in the video above. Here’s the scale on the treble clef. Songs in Aeolian Mode tend to have a sad feeling and the scale is quite common in modern blues and jazz compositions. Even if the notes are exactly the same, there can be some things that separate the Aeolian scales from the Minor scales. Instead of playing the C blues scale over 12 bar blues changes, you could play A pentatonic minor over C, D pentatonic minor over F, and E pentatonic minor over G (this is equivalent to C pentatonic major, F pentatonic major, and G pentatonic major). This video shows a musicians hands as he explains and demonstrates how to play the C minor blues scale. This will help you learn how to play melodies and build chords on a piano within the key of G Pentatonic. Intervals What intervals are in the G minor blues scale. The Aeolian Scale consists of the same notes as the Natural Minor Scale.


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