In this regard, various sources suggest that extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point somewhere between 191°C (376°F) and 215°C (419°F) ( 5, 6 ). Extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point around 375° Fahrenheit, which is low compared to many other common cooking oils like canola oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil. Smoke point. Avocado oil has a very high smoke point by comparison to other cooking oils. All Rights Reserved. The researchers determined the rate of degradation of the oils by measuring the polar compounds and oxidative by-products. Extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point around 375° Fahrenheit, which is low compared to many other common cooking oils like canola oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil. Polyunsaturated oils were the worst performers. Olive Oil Retains Health Benefits During Cooking, Vegetables Cooked in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Retain More Nutrients. The EVOO was tested against virgin olive oil, refined olive oil, canola oil, grapesed oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil and sunflower oil. In conclusion, research now confirms with the world's best chefs have known all along: extra virgin olive oil is the best cooking oil. Researchers found that the smoke point of an oil did not correlate to the oil's performance when heated. To perform their tests, researchers gradually heated the oils to a moderate cooking temperature of 356℉ over 6 hours and to a high cooking temperature of 465℉ over 20 minutes. Other choices include virgin olive oil and even butter in small amounts. Is It Safe to Cook with Extra Virgin Olive Oil? Does olive oil lose its health benefits when heated? The range is typically between 350⁰ - 410⁰ F. Refined oils like olive oil have very low FFA and thus more consistently higher smoke points. This is reason why extra virgin olive oil performed better than virgin olive oil or refined olive oil. It can be reused for several times and its digestibility is not affected at all. This makes it a good choice for most cooking methods. Each oil has its own smoke point, the temperature at which the oil begins to be damaged by heat. Grapeseed: About 420°F, best used for stir-fries and sautés. Olive oil: Virgin: 210 °C: 410 °F Olive oil: Extra virgin, low acidity, high quality: 207 °C: 405 °F: … Cooking May Destroy Some of Its Antioxidants. Choosing an oil with a smoke point higher than 220°C is not any safer. Researchers found that the smoke point of an oil did not correlate to the oil's performance when heated. | © North American Olive Oil Association. The production of potentially harmful polar compounds and trans fats was markedly lower in EVOO.”. Importantly there is no further advantage to using an oil or fat with an even higher smoke point. Several scientific studies have proven over the years that this myth is simply untrue. However, coconut oil has a smoke point of about 350 degrees F (171 C), which means it is not suitable for high temperature cooking. A refined or light olive oil will have a higher smoke point than an extra virgin oil, and would be the best choice for frying in olive oil. Olive oil, Extra light* 470° High. Extra virgin olive oil’s smoke point is somewhere around 374–405°F (190–207°C). Despite the fact that the smoke point of extra virgin olive oil exceeds home cooking temperatures, there is a persistent myth that it is unsuitable for cooking. The study tested exposure of oil to high heat over a short time, and exposure of oil to moderate heat for a long time. Grapeseed oil and Canola oil produced approximately twice the harmful polar compounds produced by EVOO. As such, the smoke point of extra virgin olive oils can be quite variable. High Heat. Extra-Virgin Olive: 325°F, good for sautéing, vinaigrettes, and used as a finishing oil. A team of researchers found that the extra virgin olive oil retained most of the nutritional benefits after heating it to 356°F (180 °C) for 36 hours. Use avocado oil for high temperature cooking. Another commonly held myth is that the anti-oxidants and polyphenols in olive oil are destroyed by heat. Light/Refined Olive: 465°F, better for high-heat cooking than the extra-virgin variety. Despite the fact that the smoke point of extra virgin olive oil exceeds home cooking temperatures, there is a persistent myth that it is unsuitable for cooking. Oils with low smoke point (such as coconut oil), or moderate smoke points (such as extra virgin olive oil), outperformed oils … Of course, extra virgin olive oil is the best to use... but maybe not for the reason you expect. A recent Australian study published by Modern Olives Laboratory Services in the ACTA Scientific Nutritional Health Journal found that extra virgin olive oil is the most stable cooking oil.


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