Does the deer whistle for you car affect pets (dogs)? 2,332 Posts . There have been studies done that suggest that other animals might be able to hear deer whistles, but whether the whistles actually deter deer or other animals from coming near a car does not seem to be promising. As far as your pooch and deer whistles, dogs have probably been around deer whistles as long as deer whistles have been on cars. How to scare deer away from your car? I’ve never been involved in a deer-vehicle accident — knock on wood — despite having driven for almost 65 years. Deer have been shown to learn the range of chained dogs, and then continue feeding just outside this limit, even with a dog madly barking. Simply click here to return to, Copyright 2007 Deer-Departed LLC. While you can't hear the high-pitched squeal of the whistle, your dog has much more sensitive and powerful hearing. My clowder (yesteryear’s name for a group of cats) consists of indoor males. Either way, you're probably likely to come across someone who swears by their deer whistle. They see shades of yellow and blue, but have trouble seeing reds or greens. Some sources point out that whistles can be very effective training tools because they make your voice and range louder. Especially in suburban areas deer quickly learn that people are noisy, and learn to tune them and their noises out. How? Join in and write your own page! Deer have been shown to learn the range of chained dogs, and then continue feeding just outside this limit, even with a dog madly barking. Designed to be impossible for humans to hear, dog whistles aren't inherently harmful for your animal -- to an extent. Q. So, the bad news is, deer whistles probably won’t be effective on a dog, and you can’t really train your dog to hear anything. There are plenty of forums online that you can look at that talk about whether a deer whistle bothers dogs or not. As a cat person for some 40 years now, I can attest that the dog whistle (along with the reward of course) works well. Also, there are many flea collars that are equipped with ultrasonic devices and they will not bother the dog at all. So, it’s not surprising that they can both hear extremely well. What humans do know is dogs have very sensitive hearing. Deer’s ears are also designed to catch sound waves, and so are dogs’ ears. There was a study done in Georgia where they tested how effective the whistles were on deer, and the results really weren’t promising. However, since we can’t ask a dog how they feel about it, we’re left to interpret how they feel about them by watching their behavior around the whistles and looking at it from a scientific perspective. Invest in better headlights and a good set of brakes. A deer whistle is a device you can put on your car that makes noise. In fact, according to, “sounds of deer whistles were no more effective than no sound at all.” In some cases, the noise even attracted animals to the cars rather than deterring them. However, according to the research, there can be certain situations where dogs can respond to the whistles while sometimes they won’t. It is a doubtful situation to depict whether dogs are audible to the sound of the whistle or not. However, if they did work, wouldn’t it be great if they worked for dogs too? Most online forums where dog owners commented about deer whistles and dogs said that they really didn’t bother the dogs riding along in the car. As mentioned earlier, these repellents will not cause any harm to your dog and, in many cases, will not bother your pooch at all. According to Utah State University professor Michael Conover, 1.5 million motorists, annually, are not so fortunate. Click Here To Review our privacy policy and Our Disclaimer. This applies even to dogs if they are chained. However, there are whistles that are effective when it comes to dog training. A deer’s eyes can detect even the slightest hint of movement. Had a few close calls, but have never hit one; hope I never do. This is because a dog might respond to one person’s voice more than another person’s, but when it comes to a whistle, your pup won’t know who is blowing it and will respond whether it’s you or someone else. I have never read that it bothers other animals. While a human can hear sounds around 23 kHz, dogs can hear sounds up to 45 kHz -- a significantly higher frequency. If your dog really doesn't like a noise they are hearing, they'll react negatively. Because there isn’t any research on dogs and deer whistles, it’s hard to say for sure. Simply click here to return to FAQ. Have you ever heard of a deer whistle before? Deer can supposedly hear frequencies of at least 30,000 Hz. However, if you do have a dog that is quite nervous in nature, you may want to monitor its reactions and consider an alternative if necessary. Do deer whistles bother dogs or not? Deer see about five times better than we do, and appear to be far-sighted. Do the bumper-mounted deer whistles sold to help alert whitetails really work? Deer whistles make noise in a variety of ranges, so it’s important to get one that deer can hear in order for it to be effective. Dogs are able to hear sounds of a much higher frequency than humans are, and the dog whistle creates one such sound. If this is something you are interested in, you might want to speak with a professional dog trainer. Dog whistles aren't necessarily harmful, but if used improperly, they can be a big problem for your dog. I have linked the page that features the video for you. The frequency is audible to humans at all times. If your dog really, really doesn’t like a sound, they might try to run away from it as well. Random question to any dog owners/handlers that use a whistle. This might have something to do with all of the other noises going on around them at the same time. This is the reason a sound deterrent may work in a rural setting but not an urban one. If your plan was to put a deer whistle on your car in hopes of deterring deer, as well as dogs and other animals, the effectiveness of these tools is still up for debate. Dog trainers will use these types of devices in the form of dog whistles to make the furry companions cooperate with them. Deer whistles make noise in a variety of ranges, so it’s important to get one that deer can hear in order for it to be effective.


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