5. We had no folder. We met a boy carrying a heavy bag. 17. 2. The stable door was open. Find an answer to your question combine the following pairs of sentence by using participles 1. He hurt his leg. 9. He travelled to Australia. 1. Everybody was out on the roads. The burglars broke the door open. He wants to pursue higher education there. He lost all his money in gambling. We had great fun at the party. Exercise. I found the door open. known, or a perfect participle e.g. I received no reply. His handwriting was illegible. 18. Numbers 17, 28, 33, and 36 contain three sentences each. He stood on tip-toe. She heard the news. We can use participles to combine two sentences. The enemy forces had been defeated by our army. I couldn’t figure out what he had written. It being a fine day, everybody was out on the roads. He is very tired now. Log in ... +5 pts. She rushed to the door. He flew to his nest to enjoy the tasty meal. They last for ever. She has resolved on a certain course. They retreated fast into their own territory. 10. 10. He won a jackpot. I found the door open. having known. having known. Cinderella hurried away with much haste. 15. He got off his horse. knowing, a past participle e.g. We were sitting in the bus shelter and waited for the rain to stop. I had finished my work. 4. 5. 6. Combine the following pairs of sentences by using participles. 6. having known. Now she will to study the second one. Combine the following pairs of sentences by using participles. Log in ... +5 pts. Arjuna pulled the string. I went out to play. A crow stole a piece of bread. He was carrying a heavy bag. They arrived at noon. 13. It looked beautiful. His handwriting being illegible, I couldn’t figure out what he had written. 7. I went home. We can use them to connect clauses. Find an answer to your question combine the following pairs of sentence by using participles 1. 1. Forgot password?Submit your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. 9. We met a boy. The sun had risen high. A hungry fox saw some bunches of grapes. Study the example given below. 2. 3. She seized her stick. Combine each pair of sentences into one simple sentence by using participles. 1. Having lost all his money in gambling, he became a pauper. They arrived at noon. Another example is given below: I lost all my money. Combine two sentences using a participle. 4. We make some friendships in childhood. She bought five yards. Answered Combine the following pairs of sentence by using participles 1 See answer shivanshukumar is waiting for your help. 12. Crying at the top of his voice, he rushed at the thief. They were hanging from a vine. 4. She dropped one of her little glass slippers. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences using either a Present Participle or a Perfect Participle : 1. January 24, 2017 - Study the following sentences. Cinderella hurried away with much haste. Consider the examples given below. Join the pairs of sentences given below using a relative pronoun. I. 8. He became a pauper. 14. Note that this technique is used when both clauses have the same subject. 16. He was standing near the window. Walking along the road, I saw a snake. He lost a large amount of money. The police saw the body. The house was decorated with lights. He cried at the top of his voice. Combine the sentences in each set below into a single clear sentence with at least one participial phrase. Breaking the door open, the burglars entered the house. Sign Up to get started. Oh snap! Parul has prepared the first chapter. Here are some exercises on Participles. EnglishPractice.com © 2020 - All rights Reserved. The cow was stolen. The troops gave a blow to the enemy. He went out to shoot the lion. He decided to quit. They entered the house. I was impressed by the team. The sun having risen, we set out on our journey. New to Target Study? He began searching for something on the ground. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences using either past participle or perfect participle. 1. 11. 6. He asked him where he was going. It needed a new door. He wife encouraged him. It looked beautiful. 17. He went on speaking. He shot an arrow. She acted with vigour. Seeing the policeman, the robbers ran away. I saw a mongoose. She staggered back. All trade marks belong to the respective owners. 7. 5. 2. The sun had risen. He was badly beaten by the rain. It developed a leak. 4. He had saved a little money. Pritam worked for several hours together. 5. He built a big mansion. known, or a perfect participle e.g. Combine these in the same way. 15. knowing, a past participle e.g. Relative pronouns are similar to conjunctions. The robbers saw the policeman. Joining two sentences with a past participle. 3. Friendships made in childhood last for ever. He is going to London. His children couldn’t figure out what he had written. He was examining some papers. Finding the door open, I went inside. Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using either a present participle e.g. Participle Exercise 3. 3. His handwriting was illegible. He was carrying a bag. He rushed at the thief. Answered Combine the following pairs of sentence by using participles 1 See answer shivanshukumar is waiting for your help. Add your answer and earn points. Change a few things up and try submitting again. 3. He began searching for something on the ground. We make some friendships in our travels. Combine the following pairs of sentences by making use of participles: The hunter took up his gun. 12. The house was decorated with lights. Here's an example: Here's an example: I … I spoke to a gentleman. We had worked for several hours. Numbers 17, 28, 33, and 36 contain three sentences each. 18. The documentation which was telecast last Tuesday was impressive. Decorated with lights, the house looked beautiful. knowing, a past participle e.g. 6. The birds stopped their morning chorus.


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