Coca Cola in Chinese (kekou kele可口可乐), actually can be translated as ‘delicious happiness’. If I read this too many times I might just be hypnotized and take a drink. 可口可乐 (Kěkǒukělè) — Coca-Cola Maybe the first Chinese name for “Coca-Cola” which meant “bite the wax tadpole” was a terrible idea, but the one the company came up with later on, just sounds perfect, firmly rubber-stamping their place as one of the worlds biggest brands. Chinese Alphabeta Bite the Wax Tadpole? Ice for another penny or a few cents. Close-up of a bottle. The difference is like the difference between “my deer” and “my dear.” Here are some words in simplified Chinese. google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; Thus the Chinese trademark for Pepsi-Cola may mean 'everything laughable' or 'be happy with everything'. A whole bunch of over-the-top presentations regarding the history and the secret of Coke. It also adds some exotic taste to the brand. Ha ha. Coke’s explanation, however, didn’t mention who created the wonderful “to permit the mouth to be able to rejoice” transliteration. To achieve this, it will need a separate Chinese character for each of the four syllables, Coca-Cola. A gigantic coke bottle sign. Also,「庄」should be「裝」. google_ad_height = 600; 200+ countries. It is indeed a good name. He was said to have been paid £350 for creating the name. Can anyone beat that? My eyes were drawn first to things with which I am familiar — here, the Beijing opera bottle. When the company took the time to develop an official Chinese name, it came … One interesting thing I haven’t seen anyone point out is that Coca, if transliterated literally, should be Kǒu Kě instead of Kě Kǒu. It has a secret! Here’s the secret vault. The secret is inside. 127+ years of happiness. Chinese Symbols or Radicals It’s not just an ordinary sugar drink. It’s 口渴 (kǒu kě), meaning thirst. This calligraphic logo is truly iconic. This is a hard one since we don't use the two characters together this way. I’ll try to address them in future articles. 2014-08-04 — Good Characters (Leave a message). (In fact, Coca Cola entered China in 1990 itself; but this fact is ignored for fulfilling academic objectives) A decision to invest by any company heavily hinges on the background of the company - primarily its objectives, resources, and competitive pressures. google_ad_width = 120; Ke3kou3 is related to food or drink itself, a very common usage, and nothing negative about it. An 'unusual' name may attract people's curiosity and it is particularly true for the Chinese since they had closed their door for so long. They gave away Coca Cola balloons or chopsticks with every bottle of Coke, that cost 0.5 yuan ($0.07). It also says “Sign of Good Taste.” It’s definitely a unique taste. The trademark of a company is its life. And what is the first word that comes to mind when Chinese hear Kǒu Kě? The sign says “Drink Coca-Cola.” This sounds like a commandment! To achieve this, it will need a separate Chinese character for each of the four syllables, … The name is attributed to Chinese poet, author, painter, and calligrapher Chiang Yee (1903-1977) according to many articles I found in China, though I cannot verify the truth of the accounts. Wow. To make the drink more popular, Coca Cola staff went to shops in Beijing to promote the beverage during weekends in 1983. Here’s a Chinese print that says「大枝庄,又多又經濟」, meaning “In a large bottle. (Official website: Coca-Cola Journey). 心想事成 means “All wishes come true”, 歡聚一堂 (欢聚一堂) means “Joyous gathering”, 知足常樂 (知足常乐) means “Contentment brings happiness”, and 恭禧發財 (恭禧发财) is gōng xǐ fā cái, meaning “Congratulations and have good fortune.” Here you can taste hundreds of Coke products from all over the world. He is not drinking wine, but a glass of Coke. google_color_link = ["006699","003366","CC0000","505050"]; I also think innovation should be 創新 (创新) instead of 創造 (创造), meaning creation. Once I entered the main area, I was in a room with red light filled with memorabilia. This story is interesting because such a great name came from a talented individual who didn’t even live in China. It looks like a mouth, right? This gentleman knows the history of Coke. Pepsico followed the Coca-Cola trend. I wish I could take pictures of everything in close detail, but there were just too many objects in the room. It is also a good trademark. The Coca-Cola company did a great job in seeking the best Chinese trademark. To get a good Chinese brand name is not an easy task and there are many ways to do it, which largely depends on the name of a company. Coca-Cola has an official version of the “bite the wax tadpole” story on its blog; I have included the link below. This is some version of the original sign taken from somewhere. When Coca-Cola first entered the Chinese market in 1928, it had no official representation of its name in Mandarin. Selfie. It’s THE drink I craved when I was a few weeks into boot camp and didn’t have anything to drink but water. A Korean hanging banner, again, all in hangul. Today ke3le4 has already become the Chinese synonym for soft drink. Ke3le4 is a little unusual, or a little something different for the Chinese. World of Coca-Cola. I once told my friends, “Santa wore green until Coke inspired him to change to red.” And they laughed and said, “There was no Santa.” These are all very nice. It was the first promotional commercial activity in China since the … //-->. So the Chinese trademark of Coca-Cola may mean 'tasty soft drink' or 'tasty and happy'. One of its first Chinese names was a transliteration meaning “bite the wax tadpole.” The company didn’t have an official Chinese name and Chinese shop owners created their own versions without giving much thought to how it would be perceived. google_ad_client = "pub-7340932527258074"; These are beautiful old postcards. One of its first Chinese names was a transliteration meaning “bite the wax tadpole.” The company didn’t have an official Chinese name and Chinese shop owners created their own versions without giving much thought to how it would be perceived. Le4 means happy; joyful; be glad to; enjoy; laugh. They want to try something new, even though they used to drink hot tea. Chinese Pinyin I also want to point out that the official explanation says, “The closest Mandarin equivalent to Coca-Cola was ‘K’o K'ou K'o Lê.’” That seems wrong to me. Shi4 stands for thing; matter; affair; post; business, etc. google_color_bg = ["FFFFFF","FFFFFF","FFFFFF","FFFFFF"]; 可口可樂 is always pronounced “Kě Kǒu Kě Lè”, never “K’o K'ou K'o Lê”. These giant artistic bottles are in the waiting area in the lobby. Kou3 stands for mouth; hole; entrance. Now, Coco-Cola has to decide on the approach to investing in China. This trademark is unique for the balance of the two parts, ke3kou3 and ke3le4. Home of happiness. The vault is the place they say the secret recipe is stored. google_color_border = ["FFFFFF","FFFFFF","FFFFFF","FFFFFF"]; google_ad_channel =""; Kids were having a great time. The approach for the naming in the Coca-Cola case is to search the nearest phonetic equivalent. Here is a special holiday bottle with Chinese New Year’s greetings. The genius is thus by switching Kǒu Kě to Kě Kǒu, the meaning went from thirsty, 口渴 (kǒu kě), to tasty, 可口 (kě kǒu). The name Coca-Cola in China was first rendered as Ke-kou-ke-la. The Coca-Cola company did a great job in seeking the best Chinese trademark. More artistic bottles. Or something like that. To get a good Chinese brand name is not an easy task and there are many ways to do it, which largely depends on the name of a company. More and economical.” I’d prefer「大瓶裝」(large bottle) because it’s more commonly used, sounds better, and doesn’t have the slight sexual connotation that「大枝」(big stick) has. I didn’t pay much attention in this area. Pepsi-Cola was translated into Bai3 Shi4 Ke3 Le4. I’d improve the translation of “heritage” from 遺產 (遗产) to 傳承 (传承) because 遺產 (遗产) brings up associations of the dead or the grave whereas 傳承 (传承) brings to mind the positive thought of passing something down throughout generations. google_color_text = ["333333","333333","333333","333333"]; And the rest is history. 創造 (创造) innovation 樂觀 (乐观) optimism 神清氣爽 (神清气爽) refresh body, mind and spirit 遺產 (遗产) heritage 啟發 (启发) inspire These are all very good. Let me know if you encounter issues developing the Chinese version of your brand name. There are many large displays with different slides to keep visitors visually stimulated and occupied. The making of a Coke. Fortunately the first pair (Ke3kou3) is a common Chinese usage and there is also a 'Ke3' in it, so there is a parallel. Each of the Chinese characters has meanings: Ke3 means approve; permit; may; can; good; appropriate.